Sunday, August 10, 2014

2nd trimester must haves

I'm not totally out of the second trimester yet, but I definitely find myself needing a few things that I didn't need earlier on in this pregnancy... pregnancy heartburn is the worst....

1. Even before pregnancy, I would live in these tank tops, but they are the best right now. The longer length is perfect for tugging over a belly and tanks are great right now when it's too warm to wear anything with sleeves (August with no AC = sad face)

2. I have loved vegetable juice forever. Right now, I love drinking it knowing that I'm making at least one healthy eating choice for the little bun in the oven.

3. Oh my word, I was in for a world of shock the first time I got heartburn a couple of weeks ago. I had never had heartburn before, and it was pretty much the worst thing in the whole world that had ever happened to me. I fell asleep feeling like I was going to die or puke up fire. Fun. The very next day, Trevor and I made a special trip to Meijer to grab Tums. They've been a lifesaver.

4. Favorite maternity pants. These are affordable, comfortable and H&M's "tregging" pants come in a few different colors.

5. "Drink water, stay hydrated" is something I hear every time I see my OB. After having a kidney stone a few years ago, I'm already in the habit of drinking so much water every day. After becoming pregnant, I see different things in my body if I don't drink my normal amount of water... I have more leg cramps through the day, I feel more sluggish, and I'm more prone to headaches. 

I'l probably have a few more items that I would add to this list before I'm out of the second trimester, but these are things I couldn't live without so far!

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