Sunday, July 19, 2015

26 things for 26 years

26 things about me on my 26th birthday:

1. I keep thinking about trying the Whole30 diet, but I keep chickening out. 
2. I loved Oliver's birth.  I wouldn't change a thing about it.  Seriously, if you're pregnant, see if there is a baby friendly hospital near you- it was the best experience ever.
3. My favorite memory from our wedding day was driving to the ceremony with Trevor... we were both in our wedding clothes, but just talking and goofing around.
4. My Nana taught me to knit when I was around 7 years old and I still love doing it.
5. Trevor was my first kiss and I laughed through it.
6. I love chocolate. Chocolate ice cream to be exact. Chocolate Moosetracks ice cream...
7...But I'm trying not to eat ice cream- Trev and I are trying to avoid processed sugar as much as we can this month... oh my word, it's so hard. 
8. Jillian Michaels Yoga is one of my favorite things ever.
9. I love my job.  I work as an assistant at my church and do many of their videos (yay for using that college degree!)
10. I am in love with babywearing... we have 3 baby carriers- a Solly baby wrap, a Happy baby wrap, and an Ergo. I keep looking at ring slings now... Trevor thinks I'm crazy.
11. I totally wear leggings as pants.
12. I used to Irish dance. I took classed for years and use to teach little kids dance too. 
13. I love bright colors. We painted almost every room on the main level of our house, and none of its white. 
14. I had a kidney stone four years ago. It was horrible. Since then, I try to be really good about drinking a lot of water every day (my doctor recommended a gallon a day). I try, but I'm not very good at drinking all that in a day.
15. Running scares me. I would love to run a race one day (even a small 5k), but I'm nervous I don't have the endurance for it. Maybe I should try a couch to 5k program- those things slowly amp up the intensity, right? 
16. "Pretty Little Liars" is my guilty Netflix pleasure. 
17. I went to Morocco through my college's cross cultural program... as a result, I love super sweet mint tea. And I rode a camel through the Sahara desert.
18. When we moved into our house, I was so organized. Every single box was labeled and color-coded to show what room it went to. I also had a spread sheet that showed the contents of each box. Easiest move ever. 
19. When Trevor and myself were coming back to Michigan after the semester in L.A., we drove straight through. It was not fun. We left at 9pm L.A. time and got to the mitten a day and a half later. Neither one of us slept well while the other drove and the father north we got, the icier the roads got. The experience is right up there with kidney stones and mastitis as the worst time ever.
20. Sometimes I'm still frustrated that nursing didn't work out for Ollie and I.
21. I feel weird if I don't have my nails painted... like I'm walking around half naked or something.
22. I have an etsy shop, Joo Bee Petals, that I started with my sister. I realized that after I while, you can only make so many scarves and hats to give to friends and family, so I might as well knit them up for something.
23. My favorite movie is Amelie.
24. I could eat burritos
25. My favorite pair of shoes is a pair of leopard print ballet flats from Target. I've bought 3 or 4 new pairs over the years as they've worn out.
26. There are so many things I do with Oliver that I promised I'd never do as a parent. Like using television as a distraction... PBS is our friend and I have no clue how I would keep Ollie occupied half the time I'm pumping without it. 

Have a lovely weekend- we're trying to soak up as much family time as we can right now. 

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